Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Live!!


I'm not sure why I spend so much time between posts, I'm really not. But sometimes something happens that flips my switch in a way that affects me concretely rather than abstractly. That's what happened with this article:

Ars Technica on Pirates and the Music Industry

I don't have a lot more to say but: the BI Norwegian School of Management is right. No amount of denial on the part of the industry will change that.

I totally understand the need to protect copyright. As a person with the stated goal of producing marketable intellectual property and as a person married to someone producing marketable intellectual property, I don't want theft any more than anyone else. So where do I find the happy middle ground, where the music industry adopts a healthy and intelligent business model appropriate to the information age and where people share and propogate but don't steal?

I'm gonna have to think on that.


Don said...

Slow down there, Sinistar. Don't want to hurt yourself. ;D

Corey Doctorow has some good stuff about intellectual property in the digital age. I'd start reading there:


Wyrmdog said...

Well that's just it: I read about it ALL the time, and I'm still trying to figure out which are my opinions and which are purely cribbed from others. Granted, it's difficult to have a purely original thought anymore but what I want to know is if my buy-in is there or not.

Sometimes, the key to finding what I think is to stop reading and start talking.